About the Authors
Cyndi Coon and Kim Larkin
Our Story
This project began as a response to the public conversation about why women would choose a wild bear in the woods over running into a man. The creative act of building this book began in Texas during the solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. The blue pages in this book were created using solar printing. The cyanotype or sun print was exposed during the 4-minute duration of the eclipse. Then, the bear stories, collages, conversations, poems, songs, and films were infused during a rare aurora from a massive solar storm seen as far south as Alabama on May 10, 2024.
The book came to a close during the six-planetary alignments on June 3, 2024, while at Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. These pages hold this time window between major celestial events and conversations of bears amongst us—the dangerous ones and the allies. We are two women with deep backgrounds in the arts and a passion for science, creativity, and justice, especially for womxn. As super nerds, we love blending these interests through our collaboration at the Applied Futures Lab, where we subversively incorporate art, imagination, and humanity into researching threat futures and provoking possibilities to build hopeful futures for all. We had a wild good time making this book, and we hope some part of its weird interpretation of our ideas, experiences, and dreams resonates with you. Enjoy the journey! – Cyndi and Kim

Cyndi Coon
Cyndi Coon is an eclectic and vibrant storyteller, author, and experiential applied futurist. Driven by her passion for the human experience and intuitive thinking, Cyndi explores the world with curiosity and a rule-bending approach. As a creative, she wears many hats, including speaker, producer, writer, and futurist, all while spreading contagious positivity and high energy. As a time traveler, rule-bender, and data-driven science nerd, Cyndi’s work invites you to defy convention and unleash your own creative potential. She chooses to support women, whether it’s a man or a bear.
Kim Larkin
Kim Larkin builds portals to hopeful futures. As a skilled experience curator, futures strategist, and artist, she guides individuals, organizations, and movements worldwide to uncover human insights, explore possibilities and potential challenges, and take steps toward a brighter future. She is passionate about collaborating with and supporting womxn who drive change with love and fierce compassion. When she’s not dreaming of more inclusive and just futures, Kim enjoys exploring nature, reading, art, napping, and geeking out on sci-fi.