What is “We Choose the Bear” about?
“We Choose the Bear” is a book and movement exploring women’s empowerment through the lens of choosing safety from men in the form of a metaphorical bear. It delves into themes of personal strength, survival, and the deeply rooted fear of male violence that many women experience.
Why would women choose a bear over a man?
This seemingly counterintuitive notion stems from the stark reality of violence against women. While bears are dangerous, their behavior is generally predictable. Conversely, the threat some men pose is unpredictable and often driven by malicious intent, making it a more insidious and pervasive threat.
What evidence supports the fear of male violence?
Statistics reveal a stark contrast: bear attacks are relatively rare, with approximately 40 per year worldwide and one fatal black bear attack annually in the US. In contrast, nearly 1,800 women in the US are murdered by men each year. Globally, 1 in 3 women experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime.
How does societal response impact women’s safety?
The societal response to male violence often exacerbates the problem. Victims may face disbelief, victim-blaming, and invasive questioning, discouraging them from seeking help. This lack of support perpetuates a cycle of silence and reinforces the perception that male violence is acceptable.
What is the “Be the Bear” campaign?
The series of posters and actions encouraging men to embody the bear’s qualities of strength, protection, and empathy to create environments where women and marginalized individuals feel safe, respected, and valued. Through allyship, accountability, and education, the campaign promotes positive behaviors that support gender equality and personal growth.
How does “Diving for Fun” contribute to the book’s themes?
This story, from a collection called “The Wizard of Id,” subtly illustrates the manipulative tactics and emotional labor women often endure in romantic relationships. It exemplifies the power dynamics and societal expectations that can leave women feeling unsafe and undervalued.
What resources are available for those seeking help or support?
“We Choose the Bear” offers a range of resources for individuals seeking help, support, or guidance on gender equality, safety, and allyship. Explore organizations like Global Rights for Women, RAINN, and Futures Without Violence, which provide advocacy, support, and resources for survivors and those working to create a safer world for women. Visit our Resources Page for an evolving list of support organizations and media.